I’m trying to create an item system using models and Motor6Ds.
It is mostly working but there is a few issues. The main problem is that the animation for equipping the item will not stop playing because it creates a new animation each time an item is equipped or unequipped.
Here is a video of the problem:
Here is the server script for when the player equips or unequips an item:
EquippedRemote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, itemName, isNowEquipped)
local equipAnim = Instance.new("Animation")
equipAnim.Parent = script
equipAnim.Name = "EquipAnim"
equipAnim.AnimationId = ItemInfo[itemName].EquipAnim
local unequipAnim = Instance.new("Animation")
unequipAnim.Parent = script
unequipAnim.Name = "UnequipAnim"
unequipAnim.AnimationId = ItemInfo[itemName].UnequipAnim
local equipLoad = player.Character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(equipAnim)
local unequipLoad = player.Character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(equipAnim)
if isNowEquipped == true then -- value has been set to equipped
local clone = game.ServerStorage.Items[itemName]:Clone()
itemequipped = itemName
clone.Parent = player.Character
elseif isNowEquipped == false then -- value has been set to unequipped
itemequipped = nil
I’m aware that for the animation to be able to stop, it needs to be known throughout the whole script, which can be achieved through using a local script but then it wouldn’t be seen by other players in the game.
Also, the animation has a delay, probably because I’m using a RemoteEvent, so I’m hoping to be able to fix that as well.