Item Animations Not Working

I’m trying to create an item system using models and Motor6Ds.

It is mostly working but there is a few issues. The main problem is that the animation for equipping the item will not stop playing because it creates a new animation each time an item is equipped or unequipped.

Here is a video of the problem:

Here is the server script for when the player equips or unequips an item:

EquippedRemote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, itemName, isNowEquipped)
	local equipAnim ="Animation")
	equipAnim.Parent = script
	equipAnim.Name = "EquipAnim"
	equipAnim.AnimationId = ItemInfo[itemName].EquipAnim
	local unequipAnim ="Animation")
	unequipAnim.Parent = script
	unequipAnim.Name = "UnequipAnim"
	unequipAnim.AnimationId = ItemInfo[itemName].UnequipAnim
	local equipLoad = player.Character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(equipAnim)
	local unequipLoad = player.Character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(equipAnim)
	if isNowEquipped == true then -- value has been set to equipped
		local clone = game.ServerStorage.Items[itemName]:Clone()
		itemequipped = itemName
		clone.Parent = player.Character
	elseif isNowEquipped == false then -- value has been set to unequipped
		itemequipped = nil

I’m aware that for the animation to be able to stop, it needs to be known throughout the whole script, which can be achieved through using a local script but then it wouldn’t be seen by other players in the game.

Also, the animation has a delay, probably because I’m using a RemoteEvent, so I’m hoping to be able to fix that as well.

Hi! I think i’m late, but anyway.

I’m not so smart to explain in detail how it works, but basically, Roblox engine replicate some character data to server. As i know is CFrame and animations.

So you can just put your code into local script and it’ll work

Also recommended to use Animator instead Humanoid to load animations, reasons in this announcement: Deprecating LoadAnimation on Humanoid and AnimationController