Item bounding box too large to upload to ugc

I’ve got a neck accessory I’m trying to upload right now, but roblox keeps telling me the bounding box is larger than 3.00, 3.00, 2.00
The bounding box for the item is 2.772, 2.699, 1.515
I’ve tried reuploading the mesh and whatnot, as well as changing the size in blender but I keep getting the same error. Got the same issue with other items of mine that I tried to upload, despite being smaller than their bounding box.
Anyone know why this is such an issue, or how I could possibly fix it?


having this issue as well. here’s the model size and error

Same issue. Anyone else sorted?

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Yeah just tryna boost this topic because Im having the same problem.


I found a solution by doing it as a back accessory instead.

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The positioning of the item is relevant to the validator, even though the error only mentions the size. The item is escaping the volume that that specific accessory type is allowed to be in. The accessory fitting tool can show this volume to you.