When trying on an item from the catalog, and then rapidly switching from 2D to 3D mode, the avatar will sometimes, seemingly randomly appear below where it’s supposed to be. The regular viewer becomes immobile, while the glitched viewer below it can be moved like normal. It resets once you flip the avatar from 2D to 3D/when you take it off/when you reload the page.
You are also unable to favorite the catalog item while this bug is present.
This only happens with the avatar previewer in the catalog on a specific item. I only noticed it just now, but it may have existed for a long time.
This happens to anything you can try on. I don’t think this is an issue isolated to a browser, however if it is, I’m using Google Chrome.
- Try on an item from the catalog
- Rapidly flip from 2D to 3D, sometimes pausing and seeing if the glitch has happened.
- Note that you can still move the glitched avatar around like normal, you cannot favorite the item, the regular avatar is not touchable, and the effect goes away once you take it off/switch from 2D to 3D/reload the page.
It’s not too big of a deal, but it’s a bug nonetheless, thank you.