Item Shop GUI Refreshing System Debate

Hi all, myself and my developer team have been discussing how our Pet Shop should be structured. We have decided that the GUI will show a few pets and these pets will all be weighted so some pets have a better chance of showing up than others.

For example, we have 12 pets that you can get - and four pets will show up at a time, and then after a certain amount of time it will refresh and choose some new pets to show according to chance.

So, how long should the pets stay up for before the system chooses the next batch to display? We are currently debating between an hour and 6 hours.

How Long Until Refresh?

  • 6 Hours Until Refresh
  • 1 Hour Until Refresh
  • Other

0 voters


From my pov, there is no point of staying in game waiting for a new set, for more than 1 hour. Which damages the gametime this system would add


This doesn’t encourage them to stay in the game (unless it is going to refresh in a short amount of time); it encourages them to come back.