Hello! I want to create a system where you can steal items from a player. Basicly, if a player picks up an item, a health bar appears above it, and if you hit the player with a weapon, the health bar for the item is effected. The issue I am experiencing is that I don’t know how I would make the item’s health bar go down when the player is hit(without actually damaging the player), and the most effective way to pull it off. Thanks for any feedback!
use a billboard GUI with a green label over a red label and an int value inside the item and whenever u hit the player minus the damage from the int value and then reduce the size of the green label accordingly
I’ve created a health system but how would I check if the player is holding an item so I can damage it?
put a folder in the players character to hold all the items and you can then check if theres any items by doing if Folder:GetChildren[1] ~= nil then – theres at least an item then you can loop through them and make all the health changes
btw an easy way to keep a folder in the player is put a folder in the starterpack so that it will just always be there saves scripting
It works! Thank you for the solution!
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