Item Suggestions(REPOST and UPDATED(kinda))

Ok so, I tried to make a randomized game like item asylum, allusion, and randomizer. The problem is I don’t know what item should add, so
can you guys help me suggest an item. If so please use this template if you want to add a weapon and we’re gonna add it! (well some of them)
Template :

Item Name = --something like a linked sword or something(it can be funny tho:))
Type = --it can be melee, projectile, or special(special does ability things)
Damage = --whatever damage you want
Pros = --some kind of buff ability on an item
Cons = --some kind of nerf ability on an item

If you guys don’t know how to do suggest it here’s an example :
Item Name = Eyelander
Type = Melee
Damage = 65
Pros = Deals more speed and increased health when killing a player
Cons = Nothing:)

If you guys have any suggestions for an item please reply, thank you!.
Oh yea here’s are the items/weapons that already in the game
Melees :(updated)

Projectiles :(updated)

Special :(updated)

Thanks and have a good day!
(and also, I hope I post in the right place)

Item Name = Spawner Staff
Type = Special → Melee/Ranged
Damage = Does not do damage itself, can spawn a melee NPC (sword does 20 dmg per slash) every 5 sec. Player can choose to wait 15 seconds to spawn a super NPC (throws axe when far away, or slash 80 dmg)
Pros = Easy for noobs, no need for aim
Cons = Cannot control the NPCs and hard to use it to save yourself