Hello developers! A while ago I made a plugin called “Item Loader”, clue in the name to know what this does. For a brief overview, I made it expecting nothing and never even promoted it. I kind of forgot about it until this year, to come back and see it’s actually kind of popular now! 250+ sales, not too many but a decent amount for something I made for mostly personal use in my GFX era.

Well… I found out it was quite buggy, so I fixed all the annoying errors. The ui was also shocking, as you will see in the images below so that’s the first thing I changed.

UI Changes

Old UI…


New UI (This will probs change again, as I lowkey hate it!)


Next update features
  • Ability to insert models by there ID’s
  • Ability to insert sound by there ID’s
  • Ability to insert gamepass details by there ID’s (Nearly done, basically inserts values with price, name description, etc.)
  • Ability to insert characters by there ID’s
  • Ability to insert images by there ID’s

Sadly the lowest I can set the plugins price is 100, sorry if you wanted this and cannot afford it.

I’d love if you could leave a review in either this devoforum post, on the creator marketplace or even both! It really helps, and i can ensure some really cool features & a name rebrand will be coming soon. As this will be able to insert many things, not just items. Basically a multiple in 1 plugin.

:link:Plugin Link
I’ll update the bad icon soon… That was like one of my first logos.

P.S if you are wondering what happened to the open source game web panel, it’s been temporarily shut down for major bug fixes / full remake… Hence the post being gone, customers should have been sent an email informing them that there subscription has been automatically cancelled and the service will be closed once everyones subscription ends. This was 2 months ago, but in case anyone was wondering. Feel free to contact me if you have any further questions about this.


This is a really helpful and versatile tool!

Not to be snobby though, I know the price floor is 100 robux but this is more a convenience plugin.

If anyone needs, there’s a much cheaper (free) way of loading assets by running this command:
game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(assetId).Parent = game.Workspace


Good attempt but there are tons of free plugins that do the exact same thing so it’s probably not the best thing you know? It’s just a side money maker for you at this point.

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Yes, i actually have a tutorial on InsertService, and some ways to use it here.

This plugin is being made into a useful plugin soon, to basically just do this easier. As you can see in the “Next update features” dropdown. These will be done very soon, and are expected to be out next week!

Your right, there are loads of them for free… I wish it could be free but for some reason roblox wont let me set the price to 0, even though it says something like “Set the price as 0 for the price to be Free”.

Although this plugin is being made into a useful plugin soon, therefor being more worth your money. As you can see in the “Next update features” dropdown. These will be done very soon, and are expected to be out next week!

Although I see where you’re going with this and I respect your enthusiasm, I don’t think that putting your time into this plugin is going to be very helpful to you.

Especially when there are many other plugins with the ability to do the same things (even the ones you listed for future updates). It would still really only be for convenience which I’m not sure a lot of people would pay for; seeing as there are cheaper plugins that do similar/the same things AND some people just aren’t willing to pay for convenience in general.

I stand by my opinion earlier when I said this is useful, even without the future updates… but at the end of the day it’s more or less just going to be a time suck for you. :grimacing:

thats very true, maybe i’ll work on something more useful.

just leave it blank… that will set it to 0

GREEEED :skull:

I have tried that, i may just reupload the plugin and see if that works.

Here is a better way of doing this

game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://[ASSETID]")[1].Parent = workspace

You do not need the item to be in your inventory, and it works with any public item

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The command I put works with items not in your inventory as well?

have you read this part of the documentation?

No, but it works so idk what you want me to tell you lmao