Iter - Lazy and fast iterators for Roblox/Luau


Iter is a module which allows you to create lazy iterators which can be used to simplify various tasks (such as filtering, mapping a list of Items), which usually require a lot of code and looks messy.


Each Iter object has two types of functions, Iterator functions and Consumer functions.

Iterator functions are functions which return another Iter object as output. A few examples are Map, Filter, Take etc.

Consumer functions don’t return an Iter object, hence consuming the Iterator.
A few examples for consumer functions are ForEach, Find, Position etc.


  1. Iter allows you to perform method chaining.
local IsEven = function(x) return (x % 2 == 0); end;
    :Filter(IsEven)     --// Filters the odd numbers out
    :Take(5)            --// Takes 5 elements from the beginning
    :ForEach(print)     --// Prints all the items out (2, 4, 6, 8, 10)
  1. Iter is fast, thanks to native code generation


Documentation for each of the functions can be found above each function definition in the module itself, along with example code.
If you are using external tools (such as Rojo and VSCode) to script your games, documentation for that method is automatically provided.

Since the module is typed, It provides auto-completion for all methods and properties.


If you encounter any issues with the module, feel free to create an issue at the Github page. Alternatively, you could create a pull request for an issue, which will later be merged to the main branch and released.



Wow! So helpful. Thanks for this, cgl4de!

Hotfix v1.0.1