What do you want to achieve?
For my build system, I would like to hide floors that are not applicable without lag. -
What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
The system works correctly, but you get substantial lag spikes in the micro profiler and noticeable slowness on the client. Probably due to all the parts. -
What solutions have you tried so far?
I’ve tried using Collection Service to only update parts as they need to change rather than using :GetDescendants()
Below is a sample of what I’m using when you first enter build mode. It also splits it by floor number by getting the first folder ancestor.
for i,v in ipairs(game.Workspace.Builds:FindFirstChild(self.userId):GetDescendants()) do
if v:IsA("BasePart") and (v.Name == "RoofObject" or v.Name == "Roof") then
local folder = v:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("Folder")
v.LocalTransparencyModifier = 0.9
elseif v:IsA("BasePart") then
local folder = v:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("Folder")
Here is the video: