It's 2023, *please* give us discrete graphics options

Yes. We need this so much. Please add something GTA V’s graphics options, they are very detailed.

Just do it.


This probably isn’t the best thing to do lol.


How is disabling/enabling neon a bad thing?


It may break the game? Like if you have car headlights, or streetlights. Ruins the immersion, or the game entirely.


It would just be like how if you lowered your graphics settings, it would just remove the glow effect, so how is that bad?


Ah, you missed that part when saying disabling neon. The glow, sure, no one cares about that really :man_shrugging:


I totally agree with this. I think they should add an ‘Advanced’ button under the Graphics Quality gauge so that the kids can use only the gauge while the people who want their graphics set to something specific can go to the Advanced section and set their graphics to their preference.


Why doesn’t Roblox allows players to set out their preferences for visuals themselves instead of being given unnecessary stuff that will impact their PCs in a horrible way. Anti-Aliasing shows up at around the highest graphics level which is one of the most lagging things in Roblox for Level 10 Graphics, I’m experiencing around 10-20 fps less with Level 10 than Level 9.

I can tell you Ambient Occlusion is not doing it because AA is lagging other games too and it’s also not very liked because unless you look up close to your monitor you’ll never even see the difference. Ambient Occlusion should be kept around if Global Shadows are not visible under level 5… level 4 causes shadows to be too short similar to around 5 studs radius from the character.

CS:GO allows players to change their graphics and RESOLUTION as well, you can play on max graphics with a lower resolution and it would still look great and it increased performance drastically. However when changing resolution or other graphics that need re-rendering it will freeze for around 10ish seconds but this isn’t a problem for Roblox especially if you have Pause Client Physics enabled for your game.


There should still have the original 10 Graphic presets, but next to it, a three dot icon which opens the advanced graphics settings.


This is so important, giving clients better controls on how their game is rendered would sure be a great improvement for the platform. I support this 200%!


Roblox needs to do things other games do, which how it works is that the farther away you are the less detail you see, causing performance to become way better. Games like GTA can render the whole world because of the way they use graphics


They do this already to some extent. The issue has more to do with artists building in legacy inefficient ways that don’t scale well.


I’ve been wanting this for years. All I ask is to make antialiasing separate from the graphics slider, but nope. Can’t we change to voxel but get a decent render distance with antialiasing? Nope, we have graphics level three instead. Oh, you don’t want to have a large render distance? Too bad, you need to disable PBR, material details and normals, FIB lighting, and antialiasing to do it.


kid named zfeatureharmony: :sob:
sad they never went through with adding those additions to prod


I remember seeing you mention this somewhere but I never got the chance to investigate. You’ve peaked my interest.


I’m in full support of this one.
There are countless of situations I could list where this would help tremendously.


Remember game options? Well, this and the Rendering tab used to change the Roblox Client configurations as well as studio’s. We’ve actually gotten less features over the years.

Before 2014 (2019?), these applied to the Roblox Client as well (or I’d assume so).


This, and also the ability to force certain visual effects to just always be on/off so it doesn’t break things that are essential to the game.

If you’re making an underwater game or use the glass effect for making scopes in a realistic shooting game, lowering graphics can completely destroy it.


These are methods that use intentional bugs that could be fixed at any time, I would rather have graphics that aren’t throttled. I can run most games at full graphics and get at least 130 FPS when I only need 75.


I really like these ideas. They are simple and wouldn’t be too hard to implement. In fact you can do all of these already as a developer (yes, even draw distance if you get creative) so I don’t see how it would be too difficult to implement on the back end for everyone.