Its finally complete

i did a previous post with a somewhat start to this map. it’s apart of a big project and this is just one out of the 5 areas, but my favorite out of them all. i thought i’d share this specific one with you guys today hoping to get any suggestions.


Love it! It’s very beautiful and the purples make it outstanding. I recommend adding a bit more shadows, maybe?

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WOW really cool I like this I like the purple effect you should make the water purple too


Looks nice!
Reminds me of Triton Avenue from Wizard 101.


You can also add sunrays to make it more stunning!

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10/10 because purple is my favorite color.

Just kidding, although this is still pretty good. The waterfall isn’t the same color as the water though. The houses also look quite small, but it might just be from the picture. You should try adding some changes to the lighting as well. Great job though!

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appreciate the feedback, the houses do look small from a distance, but i also took some of these pictures further away from the houses. and thanks for letting me know about the water, the cobblestone beneath it darkened it a bit when i upped the transparency. and i plan to add sun rays, etc!


Looks great! Playing W101 as I saw this

The low poly style you’ve used on your trees / etc… doesn’t blend in with the terrain. But god, you did an absolutely great job. Keep up the great work :smiley:


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The low poly style doesn’t fit the terrain…

i’m going to try to blend the color of the trees with the terrain and see how it looks.

Pretty great.
Did u consider putting fog, depth of field effects and such? The lighting is lacking but overall an amazing job.

future plans, as of right now it was just the build. (i like the idea of DOF though)

Nice! It gives me Egg Hunt 2019 vibes lol

I have to be deadly honest, it doesn’t even look OK in general.

The lighting really bothers me, most of the completed builds I’ve seen were fully max graphics. The trees and roofs have the same color and it really bothers me in general, especially the terrain that looks like default settings for the terrain. the roof looks like done in 1 minute in Blender, could’ve tried to use smooth polys or make it unique. There’s nothing much positive to say, but I like the terrain in general, could’ve used terrain water instead of part.

I really don’t understand why people even use low poly building and thinking it’s good while most of the time looks weird in terrain or just a super contrasted game you can find on the front page.

This is a nice little remake of Triton Ave from W101.

Looks great! All I would add now is some textures to the buildings and trees to make it blend well with the terrain which looks lovely. I also think color variation would be good for the vegetation. I think this map would look better during night with all the lit up houses and lights. Great work