Its too empty.... I need help

What are you attempting to achieve?
I am attempting to fill in my builds, but I have no idea how to. I also don’t know what to search in Google for ideas on what im building.

What is the issue?
This is too empty. I need opinions on what I can add. My builds have always been too empty in fact, they look incomplete.

What solutions have you tried so far?
I have tried putting flower pots, water dispensers but my positioning is terrible that when I put them in it looks even worse.

Im new in devforum so feel free to call out any mistakes in my post. I also am not sure if this is the correct category for this but :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


It seems to have a lack of lights in the ceiling and only has one doorway. You could also try putting posters on the wall if it’s relevant for the type of building, or add more windows if you are able to. Try adding some props too, like trash bins, small benches, chairs, coffee tables, that sort of thing.


I believe the very bright lighting is giving the illusion of an empty build. I would suggest going for lower light.

But to fill your space without changing lighting, I think you should add paintings to the wall to add the illusion of a filled area.


I’m not entirely sure what I’m looking at TBH. All of the green area lacks depth so I can’t tell if I’m looking at a room, a hallway, or a ramp. Can you display more screenshots or clarify what it is supposed to be?

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Its intended to be a hallway leading to an arena.

Definitely change the colors, it’s hard to distinguish between the walls and roof.

Now when you go to an arena or stadium there’s probably some shops that sell food or gifts, maybe seats. Try adding that in.

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Thanks for all the replies! I’ll try implementing them into my build now.

Any color suggestions? My color choices are also lackluster and terrible :sweat_smile:

I would recommend adding paintings and other decorations, but to make it feel finished, try adding a texture to the wall, since It’s a little bit confusing. Adding a texture will add a lot to the wall and will make it feel complete, but it will also help people know where to go and to identify what they are seeing

Add doors, windows, plants, benchs, all the normal stuff in a office building. Doors to other rooms makes it look a bit more natural, and then with detail you can see more/

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definitely change lighting to something less harsh and bright, its hard to distinguish between the roof and walls. maybe make the roof lower, hallway a bit thinner and door a lot bigger because it looks a little disproportioned. also add visible ceiling lights :slight_smile: . i’m not sure what would fit with your game, but maybe add simple decorations like lockers, posters and maybe windows?
Good luck with your project!


Here is a color choice site;

Since it’s a hallway leading to an arena, I was curious a fighting arena of some sort you could change the color choice to match the style and theme you’re going for. Reference images do help with these sorts of problems, if you’re lacking ideas on what to add images will come in handy for near future projects.

I don’t believe adding plants would be a good addition however that depends on what style you’re going for, if you want an idea on what to add consider going for a more greyish wall color and possibly place some circular lights on the ceiling. You could always use builds to take inspiration from if ever needed.

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I am a bit late to the thread but whatever lol.
I totally agree with @jordonh23. If i were you I would take a more epic approach to an arena and use different tints of grey, however I don’t know what the arena itself looks like so it’s more important to match the whole thing. I would also add pillars in the walls to create some depth. Small lights in the ceiling are definitely a great addition.