It's way too easy to accidentally ignore all friend requests

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to navigate the friend requests page without the fear of potentailly accidentally ignoring all the friend requests that have ever been sent to you.

When I recently was browsing the Roblox website on my mobile device, I was looking at my recent incoming friend requests when all of a sudden I mis-tapped on my screen, and not just anywhere on my screen; the “Ignore All” button placed right at the top of the list. Apparently, there is no “Are you sure?” prompt for this operation nor is there any way to cancel the action once initiated (even though there is an “X” button, it doesn’t cancel anything). As soon as you hit the button, all of your friend requests are slated to be deleted; the server will eventually handle the request and every friend request that was ever sent to you is gone, all because of a mis-click… :grimacing: Potentially even years of friend requests gone, alike in my scenario.

In my case, I have many friend requests that I probably would have liked to accept at some point in the future. However, I just haven’t accepted them yet because I like to keep my friend count around the ~200 mark for a cleaner friends list; coupled with the fact that I don’t instantly add new friends who I meet. Instead, I opt to add friends on Roblox once we have nurtured a stronger long-term friendship. A lot of my friends send a friend request to me when we first meet but it isn’t until much later that I get around to accepting them. Accidentally ignoring all friend requests has been detrimental to me since many of my friends aren’t aware of the fact that I have mistakenly deleted all of my friend requests, adding more friction to the process of adding new friends (as they may believe that I can just accept their existing request). Plus, this also removes a lot of former friend request history about who sent me friend requests and from which experience they sent that request from; years of that history is now presumably unfortunately lost.

Because of that, I immediately ran to Support to see if they could help with getting the friend requests restored; all to no avail. It certainly isn’t ideal that ignoring all friend requests can not only be done in one misclick, but it is also an irreverseable operation. A confirmation prompt should be added and maybe even an optional security prompt for users who wish to protect their account even further (which should probably also be added for all social operations, if so).

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because I would be better able to utilise the friend requests page without needing to constantly worry about accidentally deleting every friend request ever sent to me.


You don’t need that request , to clear all upcoming friend requests , they need an autoclicker

I just never go there 1, and 2 I don’t have this fear, I dont’ know what you mean by “As a developer”.

This post is not relevant to you then. It is not meant to be “Every developer has this issue”, it just means “I am a developer who has an issue”.

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