Itvara | Eshonai Base Rules

Welcome to Eshonai, Itvara’s only dual-cap base. Please note that our guidelines can change at any time!


  • Numbers are 12v12+ STATIC. The player numbers can be negotiated with the event host.
  • Speed glitching is not allowed
  • Glitching in general is not allowed
  • Uniform raiding is not allowed. You will be kicked on sight.
  • Spamming the chat will result in a ban from the server.
  • The terminal decides the victor, you do not.
  • If a player is falsely kicked by the Anti (GetMass or Size error) all penders will be kicked until that player gets back in.
  • Please be respectful. Extreme toxicity will result in removal.
Preflood Times

Weekdays: 3 PM EST - 11 PM EST
Weekends: 12 PM EST - 11 PM EST

  • If we do not show up, consider raiding someone else. Please do not spam preflood us.
  • 12 people are required to raid our base.
  • We will restart the server if you start a bad one. Sorry.
Other Features

This base has an animation switcher and a stat reset feature! Feel free to use the commands as follows

:selfoa - Switch to old animations
:selfna - Switch to new animations
:kdrfix - Reset your stats

This base was built by sinsmoke
This base was scripted by Ze_tsu

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