ITX | Multi language code compiler


multi language compiler [interpreter? :flushed:] for roblox
note: all languages are vanilla

Why I made This?

hi, my name is andrew. since i learned javascript im addicted to web API [application programming interface]s, today i made an api wrapper of wandbox that can compile multiple programming languages like lua, python, coffeescript, etc...


Only 1 Function, isn't that is enough?

ITX:Compile(code: string, compiler: string)

returns: string, string -- output, messagetype [print / error]


Get the awesome ITX module


lua: "lua-5.4.0", rust: "rust-head"

The end

thank you for reading this garbage, i hope you enjoyed! if you found any errors, let me know!

- andrew :happy3:


Could you please provide an example code so we can determine how the module comes handy?


So this module allows you to use different (programming/scripting) languages here? Or am I getting something wrong? Code examples would also be helpful.

So can we use other programming languages on roblox with this? Or it just compiles other languages and gives us the output. Like can we convert


To javascript?

Here you go

local module = require(PATH_TO_THE_MODULE)
local code = 'print("Hello World")'

print(module:Compile(code, 'lua-5.4.0'))  -- outputs "Hello World"

No, it just compiles the code and returns the output.

I doubt there’s any use case for it though. This might be his first API wrapper so he wanted to share I guess.

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Wouldn’t this be achieved with a simple loadstring(code)?

not only lua sir :happy1:

the module compiles vanilla programming languages, lua vanilla dont have workspace

like @TopBagon 's reply

local module = require(path_to_module)
local code = [[
const foo = "bar"
print(module:Compile(code, 'nodejs-head'))

sad that the module is private. isnt it? wouldve loved to used this

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it’s unusable, and it’s ONLY about 10 lines of code. i used api and it’s dead currently. not sure if it’s brought back up again.

its still up, i found the api, is it that hard to make it come back???

i might make my own module for this

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