I've created some fireworks in Roblox, though I'd like to know in what ways I can make these less linear

In the video you can see they are almost too perfect, and fireworks are less perfect and react to wind when the shells are shot up, I’d like to find any tips and ways I can make the shell kind of shake while being shot up.


Post your code charscharschars

If you are using ApplyImpulse you can add randomness to if for X and Z like so:

firework:ApplyImpulse(Vector3.new(math.random(-10, 10), upwardForce, math.random(-10, 10)))	

does not seem to do anything.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks

Yeah, I’ve been tinkering with it, you might think I’m silly but I actually used fast cast module to fix the issue with it being so straight seemed to give it some drop and curve.

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