I've Created the Backrooms in 3 hours

I’ve been noticing that the “Backrooms” fandom has been exploding recently, so I decided I wanted to well… make the Backrooms Lobby (Level 0).
I haven’t been active in the Roblox development community in a while, so maybe this is a way for me to rejoin. I’m incredibly rusty in my studio skillset, so I am aware of how bad it may look.

The game is currently in its early testing phase, but I decided to publish it since it is workable. I’m hoping maybe some of you may leave some feedback on what to add in the future or maybe even change; hopefully, I do expand on the game more.

robloxapp-20220528-0219589.wmv (3.0 MB)
For those who wish to watch a video instead…

As I’ve stated in the title, I made this game in 3 hours. I used a module design when I approached creating the level in a 10x10 grid which was then duplicated 4 times to create a 40x40 map. I assigned each module part to a random number and then randomized rotation with a random number/noise generator. Then I simply changed the lighting/mood. Simple right?



my eyes hurt can you make it darker?

Nice! Maybe you can decide if you want to create more games relating to the Backrooms.

I’m considering it; however, it’s a flooded market. If anything this will be a game created for my enjoyment in the future. But hopefully, something may come out of it in the future.