About 2 months ago I’ve released my game UNSTABLE Dodgeball, and to try to keep players engaged while waiting for other players I made a playground in which you can just mess around. As I realized this is not enough, I decided to make a dodgeball bot!
Yesterday I finally published the update which brought Bob the Baller, a fairly basic dodgeball bot which should keep the players more entertained. The bot is definitely not perfect as he does get stuck quite often, but that’s just the nature of roblox pathfinding and the way my maps work. That being said, don’t underestimate him, as the moment you lower your guard he will strike!
The bot works by simply pathfinding towards the closest player until in line of sight, then starts throwing dodgeballs at the player and jumping around to dodge any incoming dodgeballs. He also has a difficulty value which lowers when he wins and increases the more he loses (this simply increases/lowers his accuracy and time between every shot).
This update brought a bit more changes and fixes, all of which you can check out in the in-game changelog.
For the future there’s a new gamemode being worked on, and I plan to make more maps for all gamemodes, as well as making the maps bigger (as I’ve noticed how much higher amount of players can be chaotic on smaller maps).
I would appreciate some general feedback on the bot, and the rest of the game!