Proud to say that I’ve finished another Showcase. It’s been a really busy year for me but I still really enjoy making games in ROBLOX. The place is Filtering Enabled so everything should be really secure and safe. The game appears to only be a house, placed in the middle of the desert, but you’ll quickly find there’s something huge hiding underneath this house. Play it Here
For those of you that may have too weak of a computer, or slow internet connection, here’s an album. If you can play the game though, I’d rather you visit it instead of viewing images Album Link
The locomotives are very interesting because they contrast to much with the rest of the place. Very little detail is on them (and they all have the same number, a big no-no), close to a level that I build at when I’m super conservative about brick count.
The locomotives are actually pretty functional but I ended up scrapping the TrainSim project I was working on a few months ago. Maybe I’ll start over again some time. I wanted to use the locomotives still so I incorporated them into this place.
As for the number thing, I can’t help but label them all with the last 4 didgets of my username. Even if it’s not technically correct.
The locomotives are actually pretty functional but I ended up scrapping the TrainSim project I was working on a few months ago. Maybe I’ll start over again some time. I wanted to use the locomotives still so I incorporated them into this place.
As for the number thing, I can’t help but label them all with the last 4 didgets of my username. Even if it’s not technically correct.
Thanks for the feedback![/quote]
Well, the functionality certainly explains the relative lack of detail. Still a little strange in a building showcase, though.
Anyway, about the 3089 thing…
click through for additional information.
Obviously there are more than 1 locomotives with the number 3089, but not on the same railroad
Can you share details about your next marble game? Is it still gonna be on-rails / afk-able or more like my Super Blocky Ball? Lol we might be able to work together on a marble game, who knows. Or maybe we’ll be competing.
Competition is always good but I think we’ll have two different categories of Marble games. Mine is much more battle based where you deal damage by colliding and all that.
I did peek at what you’re doing though, and what you’ve got going on looks really nice.
I’ve been considering this. I’m going to end up making the trains actually move as you step down into the base. That way I have a bit of an excuse to still use them.
This was actually a side project for a really long time, as I have other games I’m working on too. It’s been a “1 day a week” type of project for the last few months. When I make something my main project, like Crosswinds, it gets done in about 14-18 days.
By the way, one of the trains now pulls into that Warehouse area as you approach the staircase. It’s kind of cool!
Other than that, really awesome showcase; I really liked the ambience it gave and all of the secret and cool features. [/quote]
It’s a fun category because you’re really free to build whatever you want. I’m so used to nature themed builds so this was a fun change for me. This build was much more industrial, if you ignore the above ground Desert.
I like what you’re doing, with having subtle animated things around. I also really like the use of Surface-GUIs. I kind of wish I went more high tech with my base design now