I've remade the main menu for my game, how it is looking, and it fit the game style?

Hiyaah! So, I am in the middle of launching the game’s newest update, and I am really excited to show this to devforum, I wonder how it looks in players view?

All feedback is appreciated

If you guys can tell what I can polish :smiley:


I love the font and the UI,

The only issue I see here is the position of your ScreenGuis,
try replace them at one spot [ you could make each of them under the other]

Hmmm, I can see what I can do!

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But the GUI/UI looks cool, as it seems diferent, but since the game is based upon Super Tux (one of my favorite games in all times) it would be very good to make a honor

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Here a fun fact! the game soundtracks are from Super Tux, instead of being 2D it is a 3D, based upon Super Check Point, and Snowfall

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Good job, I’d love to hear about it when it’s out

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I think it does not really look that good. Maybe go for a better layout and design?

This is simple UI I have made for a main menu.


I think you should go for something like that. As it has a god layout and isn’t just a frame with a text label on it.

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