Ive searched everything and still have no understanding to Roblox lua

Hey Comrades, I’m currently a modeler(because it suits my taste) but I’m having issues understanding the concepts of roblox lua: post continues below

  1. What do I want to achieve? So I want to become the greatest developer anyone’s seen, but I have no common knowledge on “Roblox Lua”.

  2. What is the issue? I first started around this year (at the end of august) and the only things I was able to master was Modeling, building, and some sort of animation etc. But that one thing I’ve been doing research on is lua(aka, roblox lua). I cant get an understanding of it not even still today, so please, help out a fellow member of the forum. I’m having so much trouble with getting to understand it, and I think its time I make (my very first topic, btw) and see if it helps(?). Just not to create spam or do anything against the rules, I wont post my discord (correct me if I’m wrong, I will not edit the post instead I will message you and tell you my discord).

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? I’ve researched its syntax on the lua website, studied an focused on (the website), dev forum(there are posts that exist on the forum to, but like is said i still have no understanding even after rereading and looking threw all post the dev hub its self youtube and so on), developer hub, and youtube etc. Still I got nothing, I’m a pretty fast learner (fun fact, I actually learned modeling in a week and mastered it in one month), and I understand things much fast as well. But that one thing that’s so hard for me to understand is “Roblox Lua”, I’ve took tedious trips here and there on my browser yet still nothing. I also searched using different key words and phrases, I’ve done everything I could.

Thanks for reading this post, I appreciate all of your help.


First of all do not make ROBLOX Lua homework.

This is something you learn in a really slow pace! I recommend watching thedevkings full tutorials and replay them! After that use the roblox wiki! You cannot use the wiki without knowledge that is why you need to watch thedevking. Also when using thedevking do not copy his code! Change it up into different things. Pretend you learn about clickdetectors and then changing a parts brick color, combine those two to make when you click the part changes color! Also make sure to learn about remote events! It is very important.

You can also read the dev forum and see how people solve stuff this helped me majorly! Make sure to make scripting fun not a quick money grab. And remember shortcuts are never good! NEVER TRY TO FIND SHORTCUTS LEARN THE BEST WAY YOU CAN!

I hope you can improve. :slight_smile:


Even though you are a fast learner trust me scripting isn’t fast it takes months. It took me 2 weeks to learn blender and be good enough for a game and for scripting it took 1 year to be good enough for making a game.


Okay thank you I will try my best, but one thing i forgot to mention was the channels(yt channels) thedevking I watched most of his videos (some of which actually helped) but I will re-watch those videos and see what I mist out on. I will take my time as well, thanks for your help. I really appreciate it. Some videos were confusing though, and some he doesn’t explain very clearly but like I said I will re-watch those videos.

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Remember to put his code together! Into bigger code! He doesn’t teached huge code he teaches to put it together.


To learn roblox lua start small by learning the basics of scripting such as functions and simple property alterations of an object. I would highly suggest beginng by watching tutorials on youtube, I would recommend AlvinBlox, TheDevKing and Peas factory as they all offer some amazing tutorials and a learn to script series.
Secondly I would suggest starting a small and simple project that involves scripting, this then gives you something to do and allows you to research and learn more about roblox lua as you create something.

There isnt really a quick way to learn roblox lua, I began scripting on roblox over 2 years ago and there is still much I have yet to learn as programming is a skill that takes much practice and you will find yourself constantly learning as you go.

Hope this is able to help!


I suggest using TheDevKing and AlvinBlox (YouTubers) to help you learn how to code they break it down to make scripting seem super simple and it’s explained very well! Make sure to watch the videos twice so that you really remember everything!


Lots of people have already recommended great Youtube resources, but if you prefer reading I’d recommend PiL. It’s intended for Vanilla Lua, not Luau, but the general syntax and concepts carry over even if Roblox has some extra globals and whatnot.



You have the complete Roblox API to learn Lua from.

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My youtube channel “Sticks Studios” has some coding videos on roblox and physics. To add on I plan on making my videos 3d animated instead of me just talking. Here is a little snippet I took from my editing software for next video

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It seems like you are similar to me, fast learner but (somewhat) impatient. Scripting is not something you learn in less than a month because of the amount of mechanics included into it. In fact, I would say when scripting 50% is your skills and 50% is from your experience.
Scripting is very much like math, because of how “orderly” it is. I recommend taking it slow to fully understand the concepts, then using what you learned to create what you want. Start slow, then you can become more ambitious


It’ll be pretty hard, especially with the new syntax. Though its optional, I find it helpful but I also don’t fully understand it. You got this though, don’t think it will be easy nor fast. It’s 1000% possible though.

Also, I recommend lots of tutorials and EXPERIMENT I can’t stress it enough. Get the basics down where you can understand what you are scripting, and experiment. Search here, google, youtube on how to do more things as you continue to experiment and learn.

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@XOLT1268 @SimpForLua @posatta @JABLIFE @HiddenSquidTrail @Aeventy @Diamond_Plus1 @topdog_alpha

Thanks so much, for all your suggestions I really appreciate it. I will use all of yours advice to the best of my knowledge. You guys are the best tysm!


I’d recommend taking notes, that’s something that (probably, I can’t really know) helped me.
Not for the sake of reading it, but for the sake of writing it :laughing:, of course it’s helpful if you don’t remember something anymore and you can re-read it again in your words, but for me, I could mostly recall it after I wrote it down once.

Good luck!

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Before starting I would like to mention that my knowledge of Lua is quite new and I’m still in the whole learning process, so my opinion on this is kind of nooby and inexperienced. Everything that has been said throughout this topic are really good suggestions. Further on, you could maybe include some external help to start on. My main problem to start with Lua was that I did not know what to do: I was unable to find anything to start with. I did also not know anything to guide me on the process. And yes, YouTube videos such as TheDevKing and AlvingBlock are extremely adequate for this, but it’s useless if you don’t practice by yourself. What I used to learn the basics of developing (both scripting and modeling) is the plugin CK Studio+ (free). More info about it here: https://studioplus.io/en. It has a good amount of interesting challenges and explanations on a lot of topics about Roblox development in general. Highly recommend it.

Keep in mind that it’s a slow process. Don’t force it to be fast. Start by doing small stupid things. Anything works! And so on build harder challenges for yourself. Having a look at others’ scripts and the suggestions more experienced scripters do throughout the forum might be a good idea too. But most importantly: if you really want to learn it, invest time. Cause investing time anything is possible (except being invisible…) :crazy_face:

Good luck!!


Every programming language in general has a steep learning curve when you’re first getting started. Just know nobody expects you to remember every single function, event and data type’s from Lua(U), the API documentation exists for a reason.

You can’t approach learning a programming language as it’s a one-time ordeal – it’s something you learn over time and improve over experience. If you try to learn every single thing about the language, you end up burning yourself out memorizing useless concepts that you may never need for a project you’re working on. Practice small and work your way up.

As many people have stated, there’s plenty of resources and YouTube channels to help you get started.

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Dont forget PeasFactory that may be an old channel but a lot of it will still work and help anyone trying to learn tremendously!

What I would do is just start a game. You need to have a good motivation to learn Lua and a game is the perfect place to start! Once you run into problems, just consult the developer forum about it, this should be a great way to learn!

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Hey, what’s up,

I think that scripting is definitely not easy, and even after several years of scripting, you will feel like you have so much more to learn. This is true for pretty much every programming language out there, not just RBX Lua.

Also, wanting to be the best developer anyone has ever seen is fine for competitiveness but I recommend a different motivation to continue, because with just that you will struggle a lot. I used to be motivated by that as well, but sooner or later you will find that it’s pretty tiresome to go on with that. After realizing all of the talents in this world, you will definitely get shot down with that motivation.

At first, I recommend simply watching some videos and trying to script what they script and learn from that. As YouTubers, I recommend CodeTheorom and PeasFactory, these are people that personally helped me. However, once you realize you can script by yourself and feel confident enough in that, try either starting a small project/commissions/scripting for fun. However, it is crucial that you are interested in whatever you are scripting. If you’re not, you might lose interest in scripting really quickly as a beginner and crash and burn.

Other than that, take your time. You have a lot of time to learn, so just make use of that time and take breaks. Don’t rush things, it’s better to understand things rather than being able to just script them. You will come to understand things a lot more if you also learn other coding languages and do other things such as web design and software engineering.

Good luck!
Best regards,

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Olá vc tem que entende o significado e cada comando para começa a entender mais Tipo vc pode ver as video aulas no sit develooper :slight_smile:

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