While testing a game I just found out that it gave me error “IXP - Accessing user layer that has not been registered”, but I didn’t created anything about ads. I still don’t know why is there.
Ads.ImmersiveAdsBlock - is it a problem of studio or just they broke something?
I’m also having the same issue. The issue probably has to be Roblox beta testing or something similar. I don’t really think its to do with age. Just hope there is a solution soon.
After launching my game for a new update I noticed that I started getting this error too from Studio, it’s super strange since I make sure code is bug and error free upon release, so this really tells me this is a Roblox problem and not your problem.
IXP - Accessing user layer that has not been registered : Matchmaking.Algorithm.UserId
I don’t know what could be causing this, but it seems to have a random reason by the looks of it, especially when there is very little information about it on the Internet.
I haven’t noticed anything that breaks either, even things that use the UserID. I am pretty sure this is benign. Anyone noticing anything actually breaking?
Hello. I just created a brand new Place, added a part, and attached a straightforward script and also got the following, same-ish error as most of you. It does not appear to be causing any direct issues yet, but errors, especially ones that seem to infer that some restriction may happen, are worrisome:
10:04:27.736 IXP - Accessing user layer that has not been registered : Matchmaking.Algorithm.UserId - Studio