Jade Catseye doesn't have the "Limited U" symbol and is displayed incorrectly when the catalog is sorted by price

This is two bugs in one post;

Limited U symbol not showing

The Jade Catseye is a Limited U that was released as a dynamic head instead of a hat. Because of this, the dynamic head symbol has replaced the “Limited U” symbol that should be on it instead.

(Above) The item page shows no “Limited U” symbol

(Above) A regular Limited U has the symbol on its item page

A potential solution to this could just be to move the dynamic head symbol up slightly and put the “Limited U” symbol underneath it, that way they’re both visible.

Displayed incorrectly when sorted by price

When you sort the catalog by price, it shows up under the price of 14,999 robux, which was its original price. It should instead show up under its best price.


It probably doesn’t have the symbol because it is a dynamic head - no other dynamic heads set as a limited have the symbol. For example, Melting Sadness (UGC) or Blue Glowing Eyes (UGC) does not have the Limited symbol.

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Well, I believe this is an issue, for such a coveted feature this misadvertises items which are clearly limited in which that tag may have attracted customers

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It should probably be in feature requests rather than bug reports however.

Not sure, I think that the limited tag not being visible for a limited item can be classified as a bug


All limited items should have a tag to not create confusion, this is a bug report.


i’ve had this reported for a while but it hasn’t been fixed yet. hopefully this report gets them to fix it! Limited Heads no longer have LimitedU tag on Website Marketplace

they used to, before they gave the dynamic head symbol to all heads. this is a bug report

My very simple solution for this would just be moving the placement of the dynamic head symbol:


If it had the limited U logo and was tradeable it would most likely perform but honestly its a real shame roblox hasnt done a new limitd u hat already, we now know they have made that tech.

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Thank you for the report. We have assigned to our team for further review. This is an acknowledgement message.