Jailbreak custom character turned shiny black. No texture

This one’s hard to explain. We have a custom boss character that uses multiple meshes and SurfaceAppearances. Since sometime yesterday, we began getting reports of this character appearing shiny black instead of textured:

In Studio this custom character still shows a texture:

This happens in every server I’ve joined and appears to be widespread.

We’re unsure what might be wrong here. Is it a Lighting bug, a SurfaceAppearance bug?
Thank you!

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According to this post a while back: Mesh texture becomes black on intended mesh - #7 by CheetahSp33d, Apparently the issue seems to be with UV mappings and studio handling them weirdly, I am not a modeler but maybe messing with those could help?

Edit: I missed the text at the bottom, It seems to be a SurfaceAppearance bug.

Another user reporting this problem. Seems to be platform and game wide with SurfaceAppearance.

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Thank you for the report! We are looking into the issue.

@asimo3089 do you have any information on which platform or devices this issue happens?

All platforms for Desktop and Mobile. Cannot verify console.

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I’m assuming you use rojo too? It seems to be a rojo issue, sets SurfaceAppearance’s Color to 0, 0, 0. If you drag & drop the original rbxms for those models into studio and print its Color, does it report 1, 1, 1?

for _, candidate in game:GetDescendants() do
    if (candidate:IsA("SurfaceAppearance")) then
        candidate.Color = Color3.new(1, 1, 1)

^ in a server script should fix

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While we are investigating the root cause we have reverted the change that introduced this issue.