Jailbreak Fanart GFX! (10th GFX ever!)

Oh boy. I didn’t expect to outdo myself after ‘Turf Wars!’ This is a huge milestone as I’ve finally created 10 GFXs! Unfortunately, this piece took quite a while. It took me about 5 days and 17 hours. I think it was worth it however since I have this beast of a GFX! I’m really happy with this piece and I hope you guys like it too.

For this piece, I included multiple new effects as well as many illustrations. This was also fanart for a game called “Jailbreak” whom I think many of you are familiar with.
I tried to make it as close to a regular thumbnail as possible, with it telling you how the game works

I’ve been creating GFX for over a month. This is the result of my monthly improvements. The next step hopefully is commissions!


Amazing work! You would definetly be great for commissions!


great gfx jail break should use it no cap


Seems like a good thumbnail for the game, the only thing that looks a little weird is how the guy on the far left is holding the walkie talkie radio thing:
I think it should be more in his grasp


This is very detailed work, overall I love the detail you put into the art. I usually give a lot of suggestions but this is just amazing. I hope jailbreak recognizes this but I hope they give credit. This is simply great, good work.

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ah wow this is very nice but i was wondering if i could hire you but if your doing the ui for fun that’s fine

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Really impressive and good quality.

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I’m very impressed by the design, very unique. Are you sure you only been doing this for a month? :slight_smile:

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Amazing. I can see this as an official thumbnail for Jailbreak.

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Amazing keep the good work up.

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Nice work, I like the details used. My only question is what is happening in the top right of the image? It’s made me a little confused. Overall, amazing job! Keep at it! :smile:

I like the way it is posed, but if he could rotate the walkie-talkie a bit on the y axis so it wouldn’t clip with his torso. It would look very nice.

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Amazing. You are really good at GFX.
The only problem I have is how the cop is holding the walkie talkie, It looks weird.
I’ll give this a…

I do see the confusion in your comment! What the top corner is supposed to be is the officer hiding behind the wall when the explosion went off in the “defend yourself” panel. Although the explosion is obscured by the blur, which may have lead to your confusion. Sorry!

Of course it’s the walkie talkie. That was the one thing that bothered me most in that panel. I thought it’d look too small to notice if I had rotated it too much or moved it further into his hands. If I had actually done one of these two then it would have looked a little better.

My headcanon is that he is panicking due to the alert and sloppily grabbed his walkie talkie.

Yep, this is a months worth of improvements. Of course time has passed since this post and it’s been two months. However I did hit a wall and I’m not sure how to improve my GFX further. I could look into making landscapes and weather effects though, that’d definitely look killer. If you have any more suggestions, I’m free to take anything.