Jailbreak lighting

Anyone else have seen jailbreak lighting and wondered how they got it so good? I have, and I have not yet found the answer to my question. How do I make my lighting like that?

So, I thought to bring it here and see if any of you guys know, do you know?

If you do… tell me please :pray::clap:


Which lighting in genral? Or just all of it?

When it’s day time I mean, like, do they use future or the other ones I forgot their names, like compatible or shadow or something, do they use any add ons or plugins?

Last I knew they used Future. But it also depends upon the lightning you are wanting by the properties you want to use.


Not to familiarized with Jailbreak and its lighting, but from what I’ve seen it majorly depends on the future lighting, but more specifically:

  • Future Lighting
  • Environmental Diffuse/Specular Scales
  • Brightness
  • Ambient
  • Atmosphere

There’s definitely many more factors that come into play but these seem like the most obvious, well at least that’s my take.


try and use the atmosphere and the future lighting.