Hey DevForum!
How can I create these Jailbreak garage connecting points that connect UI element with a workspace object?
Hey DevForum!
How can I create these Jailbreak garage connecting points that connect UI element with a workspace object?
I believe you need to get the points in the 3d space, into the 2d screen space, then draw a line using a Frame (using Position and Rotation to point it at where the other point is)
You can use:
local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local uiPos = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(position)
That will return the gui position once you get the workspace position
I still am not able to do it properly. Could you please help me do it? Script the thing?
local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local rawPos = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(position)
local uiPos = UDim2.new(0, rawPos.X, 0, rawPos.Y)
try that
I already did this but got stuck at actually connecting two points with a visible ui line
local relativeX = point1.X.Offset - point2.X.Offset
local relativeY = point1.Y.Offset - point2.Y.Offset
local angle = math.deg(math.atan(relativeX/relativeY))
line.Rotation = angle
im not so sure, but this should help finding the angle, the position part shouldnt be that hard
finding the lenght will probably be easy using the pythagorean theorem
Following @Artzified’s idea, this is how it can be done:
-- Change the first 3 variable values to your UI elements
local line = gui.Line -- The line connecting the two points
local origin = gui.Origin -- The starting point of the line
local target = gui.Target -- The point which follows the vehicle on the screen
local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local targetWorldPosition = Vector3.zero -- Set the value of this variable to the world position of the vehicle
local targetViewportPosition = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(targetWorldPosition)
target.Position = UDim2.fromOffset(targetViewportPosition.X, targetViewportPosition.Y)
local relativePosition = target.AbsolutePosition - origin.AbsolutePosition
local linePosition = origin.Position:Lerp(target.Position, 0.5)
local lineRotation = math.deg(math.atan2(relativePosition.Y, relativePosition.X))
line.Size = UDim2.fromOffset(relativePosition.Magnitude, 2)
line.Position = linePosition
line.Rotation = lineRotation
This code can be used with the RenderStepped event so the line is updated every frame.
Man TYSM sending virtual hugs
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