this error is spammed every 0.5 seconds even when not on the platform.
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local RunService = game:GetService('RunService')
local LastTrainCFrame
local Function
local Function2
Function = RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function()
--------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK PLATFORM BELOW
local RootPart = player.Character.LowerTorso
local Ignore = player.Character
local ray =,,-50,0))
local Hit, Position, Normal, Material = workspace:FindPartOnRay(ray,Ignore)
if Hit and Hit.Name == "MovingPart" then -- Change "RaftTop" to whatever the moving part's name is
--------------------------------------------------------------- MOVE PLAYER TO NEW POSITON FROM OLD POSITION
local Train = Hit
if LastTrainCFrame == nil then -- If no LastTrainCFrame exists, make one!
LastTrainCFrame = Train.CFrame -- This is updated later.
local TrainCF = Train.CFrame
local Rel = TrainCF * LastTrainCFrame:inverse()
LastTrainCFrame = Train.CFrame -- Updated here.
RootPart.CFrame = Rel * RootPart.CFrame -- Set the player's CFrame
LastTrainCFrame = nil -- Clear the value when the player gets off.
Function2 = player.Character.Humanoid.Died:Connect(function()
Function:Disconnect() -- Stop memory leaks
Function2:Disconnect() -- Stop memory leaks
You could do local Ignore = player.Character or player:CharacterAdded:Wait() if that doesn’t work, you can just keep what you have defining character, but before that line do repeat wait() until player.Character, but it is not really advised.
local Platform = workspace.Platform – Your platform
shared.TweenService = game:GetService’TweenService’
local StartingPosition, EndingPosition =,0,0),,10,10) – where to start and end
Platform.Position = StartingPosition
shared.TweenService:Create(Platform,, Enum.EasingStyle.Quart, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut, -1, true), {
Position = EndingPosition
):Play() – This will go back and forth every 5 seconds.
StarterGui/StarterPlayer are both good options, the issue with StarterCharacter/StarterPack is the fact that they will both clear and “regenerate” each time the player is killed. This can cause some interesting and unforeseen artifacts that wouldn’t be an issue otherwise.
Overall, it saves unnecessary coding to prevent the aforementioned artifacts form occuring in the first place.