January 2022 Layered Clothing Jackets Not On-Sale/Touched On

Ever since Roblox decided to fully release the Layered Clothing category, Jackets, in early 2022, the Jackets that were available for 1 robux have been made off-sale. (Some of the jackets circled are examples of the jackets that were affected by the Jacket category release)

Although they are considered as test jackets, I feel that some could have full potential and shouldn’t be left out in the dust, including the Shiny Puffer jackets and trench coats.

Alongside in early 2022, “anyone” who owned any of the test jackets had their jackets removed from their inventory.

Expected behavior

My expectation was the jackets could return at some point in time for at least the minimum robux, part of the category’s dynamic price floor (i.e. 55-65 robux) or for free.

A private message is associated with this bug report


Suggestions, suggestions but no bugs in sight.


:arrow_up: Feature request. Not a bug.


Along with these jackets, ALL of the OffSale layered clothing should be OnSale, fixed an ready to be used


Event, Bundles, Exclusive an sponsored items do not count.

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Oh yeah, my bad. I might file out a feature request instead in more detail.