Jayori | Public Handbook
Jayori Group
Welcome to Jayori’s Public Handbook. This Public Handbook has been designed to provide more clarity for our customers and staff team, by providing the most important information about the Jayori systems and different manuals to ensure tasks and responsibilities are being done to the highest standard.
Code of Conduct
While on Jayori premises, everyone must follow our code of conduct. Our code of conduct is a set of rules that make sure Jayori stays safe and enjoyable for everyone.
While at any Jayori facility, everyone must be treated with uttermost respect. Any individual disrespecting anyone will receive 3 warnings, followed by a kick. If the user continues, they will be banned.
All outfits worn on Jayori premises must be appropriate and PG. Any individual wearing an inappropriate outfit will be asked once to change out of it into something acceptable. If they do not, they will be met with a kick from the server.
Any individual who glitches into spaces not meant to be walked into, such as a customer glitching into the kitchen, will be asked nicely to stop once. If the user continues, they will be kicked from the server.
Exploiting and Spamming
If a user is caught exploiting on Jayori premises, they will be permanently banned from the game they have exploited in. Spammers will face the same punishment as exploiters if they continue after being asked to stop.
Affiliate Information
If you or your group is seeking to form an alliance with Jayori, then it must meet the requirements listed below and fill out the application for it to be considered as a new alliance. If you have any inquires, please contact a member of our Public Relations Team in our Communications Server.
• Group must maintain 100+ group members excluding bots and 50+ members in their Communications Server excluding bots.
• Must not have had any fights with other ROBLOX establishments.
• Group must be active and be gaining new members at least every 2 days.
• Group must not include violence, such as military, prison, or asylum.
• Group must be an establishment. No fan groups, development groups, or anything similar.
• Must have 1-2 representatives that are active and willing to represent.
Requirements Met
If the group that is seeking to form an alliance with Jayori meets all requirements listed above, then the group may submit an application. Reminder that it may take up to 72 hours for your application to be read. Use the link provided below to submit an application.
Link: Affiliate Application
Rank Guide
The rank guide is designed to give you detailed and important information on every rank Jayori has to offer. Reminder that this guide does not include roles, or departments, such as the Staffing or Public Relations Team. If any of this information is outdated please let a member of the Public Relations Team know.
Zero/Base Ranks
Customer A user who has joined the group.
Honorable Member A unique member that Jayori values.
Affiliate Representative A representative of any of Jayori’s affiliates.
Low Ranks
Trainee A user who has passed a quiz in our quiz center.
Junior Chef A user who has passed trainings.
Intermediate Chef A user who has surpassed 150 points in-game.
Head Chef A user who has surpassed 300 points in-game.
Senior Chef A user who has surpassed 600 points in-game.
Middle Ranks
Management Assistant A management member who has passed management applications and their mentorship program. May train.
Supervisor A noticed management member who has been promoted.
Assistant Manager A noticed management member who has been promoted. May host.
Manager A noticed management member who has been promoted.
High Ranks
General Management A noticed management member who has been promoted to a high rank.
Executive Assistant A noticed management member who has been promoted.
Operations Coordinator A noticed management member who has been promoted.
Board of Directors A noticed management member who has been promoted.
Corporate Officer A noticed management member who has been promoted.
Senior Ranks
Vice President One of the last obtainable ranks. A note-worthy member of staff.
President One of the last obtainable ranks. A more note-worthy member of staff.
Owners [unobtainable]
Developer Contributes to the Jayori games, is not a real member of staff.
Co Owner Owners of Jayori.
Owner Owners of Jayori.
The founders of Jayori are answerinqnoya and Jomhob, they are separate entities when compared to owners, however they also own Jayori.
Promotion Guide
Jayori always is looking for hard-working Staff that embody the Jayori values and serve our customers well. We want to recognize and encourage these people, and we primarily do this through our Promotions. This Guide helps explain how to be Promoted while working with us, and helps you understand how to work your way up to your end goal.
LR Promotions
Passing through the low ranks have been made easy for our chefs. We have installed a points rank up system, ensuring that we have a well-rounded low rank team. Each rank must be earned by earning a certain number of points. We’ve provided a legend down below.
Junior Chef Attend a training and pass
Intermediate Chef 150 Points
Head Chef 300 Points
Senior Chef 600 points
Senior Chef → Management Assistant Promotion
Senior Chef marks the last LR Rank in Jayori, and is the gateway to joining our Management Team. In order to become a Kitchen Assistant and MR, you must either pass a Management Assistant Application when they come out in our Communications Server and join our Mentorship Program, or the less common route of being noticed by a HR for exceptional dedication and service to Jayori, and be requested for MA. This is meant to be difficult to ensure we have a dedicated and well-rounded Management Team, but reward you with the opportunity for above-and-beyond conduct.
Ban Appealing
Jayori strives to keep its community and games safe and fun for everyone. In order to do that, we must ban individuals who break our Code of Conduct. If you have been banned from any Jayori facility (training center or restaurant only), and would like to appeal, make sure that you meet the requirements below. If you meet the requirements, please send in an appeal.
• Only appeal for permanent bans (not server bans) and blacklists.
• Must have been banned within the previous 72 hours. (3 days)
• Do not troll in your request, it will be instantly discarded.
• Give us time to review your request. Being impatient will result in your appeal getting discarded.
• Disrespecting anyone in ROBLOX in your appeal will result in it being discarded.
If you meet the requirements listed above, please fill out the appeal form below. Trolling in any way in this form will have your appeal declined and you will be blacklisted if not blacklisted already.
Link: Appeal Form
Mentorship Program
In order to “train” every new Management Assistant, they all must go through a program called the Mentorship Program. The MA, who is the mentee, will have a mentor assigned to them. Our new mentorship program is a self-done program all done by the Management Assistant, except for the second part/semester, where the mentor must send the MA a test.
Semester 1
After passing their management applications, each MA will have someone congratulate them and send them a google document. This google document is the “first semester” of the mentorship program. It gives insightful information on the Restaurant, Trainings, and the Communications Server. It should be read in full by the MA.
Semester 2
Once the MA finishes reading through the google document and have quizzed themselves, they will be sent a google form by the mentor. This google form is their final “test” before they become a real MA. It can be retaken as many times as possible if the MA fails. After they submit the test, the mentor will read through it and determine if they pass or not. If they pass, they will be ranked to MA in the group and be allowed to supervise the restaurant and train.
Social Links
This Handbook was created to help inform you of who Jayori is and to help you learn more about us. If you have any questions regarding the content provided, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Public Relations Team on our Communications Server, and we will reach out to you as soon as we can.
This was last updated on May 26 2023 at 11:30 AM Mountain Standard Time.
In best regards,
Jayori Public Relations Department