This is a very early version of the item guide, which serves more as a placeholder than the final version.
Rocket: The rocket can be obtained at any point after 40 seconds have passed since the item was last used. It aims for the player in first place and can be avoided with a nitro boost. If it successfully hits the player in first, they will spin out temporarily.
Nitro: The nitro gives you a temporary speed boost which can pull you slightly further ahead of opponents, and allow you to take offroad shortcuts that would usually slow you down if you’re travelling at normal speed. If used strategically, it can also be used to avoid the rocket item.
Fake Item Box: The fake item box is designed to look somewhat similar to a standard item box. If hit by a player, they will spin out temporarily. It cannot protect you against approaching items when holding it behind you.
Spike Trap: If a player drives over a spike trap, they will spin out temporarily. It can also protect you against some approaching items when holding it behind you.