local Cooldown = 0
local Cool = script.Parent.Configuration.Cooldown.Value
local Power = script.Parent.Configuration.Power.Value
Power = Power * 1000
script.Parent.Handle.VectorForce.Force = Vector3.new(Power, 0, 0)
if Cooldown == 0 then
Cooldown = 0
script.Parent.Handle.Attachment.ParticleEmitter.Enabled = true
script.Parent.Handle.Attachment.ParticleEmitter2.Enabled = true
script.Parent.Handle.VectorForce.Enabled = true
script.Parent.Handle.Part.Color = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
script.Parent.Handle.VectorForce.Enabled = false
script.Parent.Handle.Attachment.ParticleEmitter.Enabled = false
script.Parent.Handle.Attachment.ParticleEmitter2.Enabled = false
script.Parent.Handle.Part.Color = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0)
Cooldown = 0
You have to click / tap on the screen to activate the jetpack. There is a cooldown, so after the jetpack is activated you must wait to use it again. But the cooldown does not work for some reason. You can click on the screen multiple times while the jepack is active and it will still work which means you can fly in the air pretty much forever. Anyone have a fix? I’ll mark you the solution