I’m trying to make a weapon that has some basic movement with a spring module, based on recoil, character movement, and mouse movement.
When I add the mouse movement to the spring and multiply it by delta time in a RenderStepped function the product from the spring makes the weapon jitter but when I remove the * deltaTime
and rely on my framerate the weapon moves smoothly.
Why is the delta time adding a jitter?
What I get the jitter
What I want the smoothness
Devforum just wouldn’t upload directly
This code is the jist of what happens for the mouse movement
local mouse_spring = Springs.Vector3Spring()
-- RenderStepped function
local mouseDelta = UserInputService:GetMouseDelta()
mouse_spring:shove(Vector3.new(mouseDelta.X, mouseDelta.Y))
-- The jitter
local sway_shove = (mouse_spring:update(deltaTime)* 24 * deltaTime) * RADIAN_CONV
-- No jitter
local sway_shove = (mouse_spring:update(deltaTime)) * RADIAN_CONV
finalCFrame *= CFrame.Angles(sway_shove.Y, sway_shove.X / 5, sway_shove.X / 3)
The one, the only, the Spring module!
local ITERATIONS = 16
local master = {}
export type Vector3Spring = {
target: Vector3,
position: Vector3,
velocity: Vector3,
cap: Vector3 | nil,
mass: number,
force: number,
damping: number,
speed: number,
shove: (self: Spring, force: Vector3) -> (),
update: (self: Spring, deltaTime: number) -> (Vector3)
function master.Vector3Spring(
mass: number?,
force: number?,
damping: number?,
speed: number?
local spring: Vector3Spring = {
target = Vector3.new();
position = Vector3.new();
velocity = Vector3.new();
['mass'] = mass or 5;
['force'] = force or 50;
['damping'] = damping or 4;
['speed'] = speed or 4;
shove = function(self: Spring, force: Vector3)
local x, y, z = force.X, force.Y, force.Z
if x == math.huge or x == -math.huge then x = 0 end
if y == math.huge or y == -math.huge then y = 0 end
if z == math.huge or z == -math.huge then z = 0 end
self.velocity = self.velocity + Vector3.new(x, y, z)
update = function(self: Spring, deltaTime: number)
local scaledDeltaTime = math.min(deltaTime, 1) * self.speed / ITERATIONS
for i = 1, ITERATIONS do
local iterationForce = self.target - self.position
local acceleration = (iterationForce * self.force) / self.mass
acceleration = acceleration - self.velocity * self.damping
self.velocity = self.velocity + acceleration * scaledDeltaTime
self.position = self.position + self.velocity * scaledDeltaTime
return self.position
return spring
return master
- SkyLord_103