Jittery character movement with jetpack scripts

(reposting this again because i didnt get a response)

As you can see here when doing fast turns in the x or y direction my player starts to slightly jitter- not ideal!


Im using this bindtorenderstepped function to calculate both the camera and bodymover movement, ive tried basically all of the values with a + 50 and a -50 and all seem to have some form of jittery-ness.

If you feel that showing the calculation of the bodygyro/ bodyvelocity would solve the issue please let me know.

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Try subtracting 1 from the RenderPriority of Camera. It looks like the updates are slightly delayed.

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nope, still jittery. Ive tried all this - and + stuff before sometimes it looks less jittery but never completely smooth :sad:

btw, i should mention that the calculate function calculates both the bodygyro movement and the camera movement- not sure if that changes anything

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Could you show more it might help since all we know is the bind to render step part.

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What if you tried multiplying it or dividing it by a decimal like; 1.1, 0.3, and etc.

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not sure what thatd change?

tweenService:Create(cam,TweenInfo.new(0.03,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,Enum.EasingDirection.InOut),{CFrame = constructedFrame}):Play()

this is the code that gives the camera that smooth delay

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what was the number before, and you should use a smaller number or try multiplying or dividing like I said.

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im using the renderpriority value: camera and ive tried subtrating, adding, and now multiplying by various different numbers and there is no change in the end result. Nothing noticeable at least.

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Is this in a server script or local script?

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a local script, youd have to be insane to do these calculations on a server script- the lag would be immense

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How were you able to move the camera upside down, left, right, and up?

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with my mouse, the camera is offset from the humanoidrootpart cframe and the bodyangularvelocity controls the orientation of the HRP

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I do not see jittery on the video unless you are talking about when you are spinning.

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But you might need to change where the line of code is, since I have a fly script with body gyro with the camera cframe and it was a bit delayed so I moved the code piece around and there was no more delay.

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in what way do i need to change it and what do i change…?

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Just move the code of the bind to renderstep just move it around until the jittery stops.

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ive tried using a renderstepped event before and it still yielding the same jittery results, its the reason i switched to bindtorenderstepped in the first place

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There is no more renderstep event there are now new events for run service.

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deprecated =/= removed, if using renderstepped is not what youre trying to convey- what is it?

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