Jittery Flashlight when it's only attached to the player?


I’ve been working on a flashlight mechanic for my game, but im having some troubles.
The model is just attached to the players right arm through a Motor6D, i’m not tweening it there or anything like that.
I’ve confirmed that it’s not related to any script i have, as just having the model attached with no scripts active still produces the same effect.

Here’s a video showcasing the jittering:

Does anyone know why this is happening?

If you need any more information, don’t hesitate to ask!


Can you show the emitter itself as it jitters? Perhaps there’s something going on with the physics.

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it would help a lot if you could supplement your thread with a file of the place or tool.

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i don’t appear to be able to see the outline of the spotlight at runtime, am i missing something?

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I meant the source, but it would definitely be easier to help for something like this if we were given the files.

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Place1.rbxl (105.1 KB)
this place file contains just the flashlight, the base game is r6 but i couldn’t publish it. you can see the same jittery effects in this place file. hope this works! lmk if it’s not enough.


It seems to be how the WeldConstraint was programmed. When I anchor the character (to pause the idle animation), the jitter stops. I also see very slight jittering when I have the EffectRing selected while the idle animation is playing. Perhaps changing it to a Motor6D will fix it?

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Seems to be moving with the animation of the character and that’s why its jittering, maybe if you slowed down the animation time this would decrease the jitterness?

Another good reason could be actually because of the motor6d, since motor6ds allowed animations to be played on the connected baseparts its possible that the animation is playing on the flashlight cuasing the flashlight to jitter with the animation of the character.

Try using a weld instead, (not weld constraint) and see if that fixes it.

If that doesn’t fix it, slow down the animation to decrease the jitterness.

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I think it is because the flashlight is too small, all small objects have some jittering (only super small objects though). I had the same issue with a flashlight I made before.

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seeing the same issue here, jittering is only found with the two “effect rings” in the flashlight model
I replaced the rings with decals and got the same jittering effect seen with using meshes

I believe that the jittering is caused by the density of rays to create the shadow, the jaggedness from being upscaled and blurred is what causes the jittering.
hopefully you wont take this as a big hit to your game, please by all means do continue developing but don’t let the details of the flashlight be of any hinderance : )

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