As of May 4th, JKR and Hyptek have merged. This is a spot for extra information.
More info will be added to this post as it comes available/if needed.
Rank Transfer
If you are currently a member of Artistry Personnel, Junior/Senior Builder, or Junior/Senior Scripter you will be eligible for a rank transfer over to Hyptek. Here is the transfer that will happen upon your request:
Note: “Dominant Ability” means what you’re more capable in (either Building or Scripting). Will receive Senior level if JoAT.
This is what you need to do to request a role transfer:
- Make sure you are still currently in JKR, and have the same rank you are requesting (see above table).
- Make sure you are in Hyptek.
- PM The_Sink with “I’d like to transfer my role to Hyptek” (or something similar).
I will reply once the transfer is completed. Once completed, you are safe to leave JKR as you wish.
Future of JKRF
On the 24th, the JKRF will officially close. The project itself will be moved to Hyptek, renamed as HTRF. The game itself will still be playable on Hyptek, it is not shutting down (simply being moved). This is the only change that will come to the JKRF itself, in it’s current state. Some planning will be shifted around, and some old planned ideas (stuff for post-1.0) will be removed (small stuff, just to clean up our plans for the game). Features for 1.0 and major features for post-release versions will remain. We have yet to fully discuss who will be working on the HTRF, but we’ve done small talks and the game is most likely going to take on a bigger development team now that we’re in Hyptek. This should mean quicker progress, but we can’t say much yet. Prices for VIP servers, as well as anything else, will remain the same as before.