Job Recruitment For Development Team (REOPENED,New Jobs!)

Hello! This is xKa_stel and I am the founder of a brand new development group!
If you would like to be the first people to test the games when it comes out, please join the group!!/about

What Is Needed

So, our development group needs a GUI modeler, and an advanced scripter.

Wheat Each Job Needs To Do

Scripter- Script the game which will be like Murder Mystery 2 (More Info Is Applied for interested people)
GUI Modeler- Make GUI’s of stores, inventory, and etc.
Price: BOTH get 10% of revenue

Contact Info

The ways you can contact me is through DevForums straight up, but I also take discord.

Discord Info: TheTargetOfAll#5767

Please contact me asap if you can apply for any of the jobs

Thank you

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What would be payment for these jobs?


Are you gonna be making ads? I don’t think working with a group of 5 members is the best look for some people… and like @sebi210 stated, what is the payment for each role. In addition, what role do you play? Do we also get %? Your post is very vague and it needs to be worked on.


The pay is 20% of whole revenue for scripters, and 10% for GUI modeler.

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Scripters should get more than 20%…

Prices are negociable, and they can be changed

If you are interested, prices can be negoicable.

If I were you I would give scripters closer to 35%-40% since they are doing a big load of the work and would have the hardest job, also most scripters for games get paid much more than 20%

Yes, right now, I am paying my scripter 45%.

I’m not sure you will find any scripters willing to script an entire game for 10%… especially with a murder-like game where a lot of scripting is involved.

I’d suggest, like others have, offering upwards of 30% to the scripter for his work or simply paying them a commission.

Im paying them 50% right now, and its going well now. Thank you for the advice.

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