JobID and PlaceID help

What is the best way to get a placeID from a serverjobID?


Is the JobId for your game?

If so, you can get your PlaceId from game.PlaceId.
If not, can you give me some more context as to what you’re trying to do?


Im trying to make a game where you place a server job ID and it will teleport the player to the place.

The teleport thing is done but what im tryingg to find is the place ID so the player doesnt have to type it in.

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Are you getting JobId and PlaceId confused? JobId isn’t required to teleport a player to a place, only if you want to teleport to a specific server instance you should be using it.

Here’s an example on how to teleport to the game

local TeleportService = game:GetService("TeleportService")
TeleportService:Teleport(PlaceId, Player) -- The player argument isn't required if you run this on the client.

If you want to actually teleport to a running server and know what place it is in I’m not exactly sure if that’s possible unless if you use HttpService? Either submit a feature request or see if somebody else knows any way to do it.


My goal is it will teleport the player to the server where the job ID says but im not sure