Greetings. I am trying to create a script that will log how long each player has been in the game and how long the server is playing.
The issue is, I am an intermediate scripter, and spent time researching in mostly anti-exploit scripts and webhooks. So, if you could help me out, would really appreciate it.
There’s no way this is going to be exploited as you need to deal with it on the server
To check whether a server was just made you can check the DistributedGameTime , if it’s only been a few seconds or minutes you can easily tell if the server is new
To track when a player joined a game you need to use the PlayerAdded event.
To track when a player leaves a game you need to use the PlayerRemoving event.
To track when a server shuts down you can use the BindToClose event.
Lastly to track the exact time a player stayed in the server can be achieved using tick()
local JoinTime = tick()
function PlayerLeaving()
local elapsedtime = tick() - JoinTime
--Fire it from your webhook