Join specific game server via url?

My plugin works for me properly. Could you let me know what you tried to do so I can take a further look?

The error you posted might be caused by the game server (job you’re trying to join) not being active anymore.

Thanks in advance

That is so odd. The code i posted above worked perfectly fine back then when i posted it but now that i’m taking another look at it, it’s not working and showing the error in the image above. I did the same thing, just added the gameId to the end of the url ( from within a game, posted it to Discord where i can click the link and then, well, clicked it. But, with tampermonkey disabled and your plugin enabled.

I have a mac with a secondary account which i used to stay in the game server, then i clicked the link with my pc where i have your plugin and tampermonkey installed.

What did you test exactly and how?


Game id should be id of publicly accessible game (otherwise it will result in error).This would be DataModel.JobId

You may also find it when using inspect element on “Join” button on server list page.

The join URL would be

Using it works properly for me (it might fail to work if you try to use it when the specific server is no longer available)

If you plan just to make it join a game and not specific game instance, you can simply do
or more reliable

EDIT: From what I see you’re using game.GameId instead of game.JobId as it should be. I haven’t tried GameId before, it might have worked before and not anymore. For sure the .GameId argument was never required for game join and never meant to be there though.


So that fixed it. That’s very weird how it worked fine before. Thank you so much!

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how would i make a link make the player automatically join the game? (i need it for a cool discord server bot button i want to do)

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View my answer. The user needs to have Tampermonkey installed as a plugin in the browser or use @Etheroit Chrome extension. But both do the same, they watch for specific parameters(gameID and Job ID) in the URL, then start-up Roblox. Thing is, the server the players are in needs to be in a public server. If you send them to a private server there’s no way to join via link even if you have the code.

The URL home?placeId and etc. doesn’t seem to work anymore. I’ve never searched for this before until now, so I never got the possibility to see if it ever worked.

Taken from{username}{PLACE_ID}&launchData={LAUNCH_DATA}

Launch data is optional and you access it inside the game so you can setup custom actions for different launch data. Maybe you can add job id in the url somewhere. Good luck.

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This worked perfectly like this:{placeId}&gameId={gameId}
Nothing else needs to be installed

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I know this is old but, here is a neat way to launch from a website.
Most sites support protocol links so it should work.


how to connect to PrivateServer with serverid using URL?

like this?

I am not sure if you can do that

Could someone provide an little sample code?

Recap of “Join specific game server via url”

Format link:
local serverLink = string.format("{Your game link}?gameid=" .. game.JobId)
Basic link: