Wait wait wait.
You are telling me I need to twiddle a secret setting to make model snapping work?
And that the setting defaults to off?
And this is known?
Is that right?
As far as I know, my building is axis-aligned-ortho-oriented, but even if it’s not, I want it to snap to the base plate IF I HAVE TOGGLED THE SETTING (JOIN SURFACES TOGGLE) THAT SAYS SNAP THIS TO THE BASE PLATE.
This is a huge deal. Dragging single parts is fairly rare. The only things I ever want to join are models. Models to base plates, models to other models, models to terrain (I’m afraid to even try it). This is the one thing in Studio that needs to just work.
The absolute worst thing it can do is silently fail, not join my models, and I only find out at runtime because physics performance is terrible in my game.
I don’t know what “drag models as a single part” is, or where that setting is. If I have an issue with that setting, it’s that I have to know about it. I think the problem is that there is a setting. Roblox should figure out when it can treat a model as a convex hull for dragger registration and when it can’t. Or maybe I grab a giant model and dragging it is slow, so it toggles “fast drag” mode with reduced collision fidelity (in a way that is obvious to the end user). Or maybe dragging is parallelized so it can use all 32 cores on my machine instead of one. Dragging should get closer to the metal, not further away.
At the very least, it sounds like there needs to be a release that changes the default. But it also sounds like we might lose generic concave/concave model snapping when we ship the Lua-based dragger, if it requires “drag models as a single part” to be on. I think Roblox has to aim for feature parity before shipping a new implementation of such a core piece of Studio functionality.
My 2c
This really bothered me so I spent some time trying to figure out if there is something unique about my building model. I inserted the first handful of models that appear in the tool box and found that, no, this seems to be a common issue. I tried 7-8 models and 2 don’t join to the baseplate when you drag them. In the attached file the bunker and the barrel don’t join either, even if you make the baseplate a weld surface.
Also the tower joins if you angle it 3-5 degrees, but not more than that. But it joins crooked. I don’t think this is how the dragger used to work. It used to align the model with the surface you were dragging over. I think the new behavior is worse.
This tower is joined to the baseplate
Bad Joins.rbxl (217.1 KB)
Also there are problems dragging models on terrain. The join indicator flashes on/off as I move drag around on the terrain. Also the white “we are joined now” indicator lines are absent.
For terrain I think we need different dragger logic that tries to “sink” the model into the terrain by a reasonable amount and minimize the gaps between the model and the terrain. If I drag over the side of a cliff, I probably still want the model to orient consistent to the slope of the ground. Probably hard.