Joystick1 not working in studio for movement

What’s happening: My joystick1 (the one used to move the player) isn’t working at all but all the other buttons are working as intended in Roblox Studio. However, when i try it in Roblox then it works. My friend is also able to use joystick1 to move his player in studio but i cannot. Even the jump button works fine in studio, only thing that does not work is the joystick1 movement.

Fixes tried: I’ve tried detecting the joystick1 using InputChanged and it prints the X and Y perfectly but still no movement.

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I am having this issue too. What I recommend doing is using roblox studios controller emulator and selecting either playstation or xbox in the device preview. This did work for me and is annoying to use, but it gets the job done.

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I’ve tried your solution by setting the controller emulator to XBOX or PS4 but it still does not work.

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Try printing out the values (if the engine allows it) to see if it’s actually receiving any input. If it is, there must be a problem with your code, if it doesn’t print, your controller may not be connected.

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strange, I suggest doing what @Rileyg1974 said in his reply. Testing with print() is always a good place to start

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As mentioned in my original post, i’ve already tried debugging it using print() and it does infact print the position of the joystick but it just does not work.

this is happening for me too, cannot move the character and camera in studio with controller but it detects using controller.

+1’ing this issue, it must be a bug and should be filed in #bug-reports.

EDIT: I restarted my Studio and it seems to work now? Perhaps it doesn’t recognise new gamepads plugged into the computer and thus needs to be restarted to recognise them.

The issue still persist for me, apparently roblox studio keeps thinking my controller is gamepad3 or gamepad2, no program like steam is open or anything else that affects the controllers.

Same issue here.


Controllers are currently broken in Studio due to the new Virtual Gamepad Controller Emulator feature stealing the first controller slot, Gamepad1. Making additional gamepads become 2 or 3, etc… This causes your character not to move and only your camera will move.

The workaround is:

Disable the Virtual Gamepad Controller Emulator Beta Feature. Since disabling this feature actually doesn’t disable it, you’ll have to actually rename or delete the ControlsEmulator.rbxm file. On PC this is located at %localappdata%/Roblox/Versions/<version####>/BuiltInStandalonePlugins/Optimized_Embedded_Signature/. The <version####> will be one of the latest Date Modified folders in the Versions folder. Or, you can search the entire Roblox directory for the file named ControlsEmulator.rbxm and rename it.

Linked comment where I got this information: [Studio Beta] Introducing Gamepad Controller Emulator - #81 by Rocky28447

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