jRTA: Heavy Rail -- Update Log

jRTA: Heavy Rail, is a railway game in the Jeanne’s Rapid Transit Authority series. It is the first of many games that will be under the jRTA brand, and is based on the San Francisco Bay Area, featuring the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) system. The game currently features 17 stations, 2 trains, signalling, interlockings, timetables, and announcements. More is to be added as time goes on.

Update/Patch Log

Version 0.2.98 -- The Airport Update

Released Saturday, 9 November, 9:00am PST.

:station: Stations

  • Newly Opened
    • Colma
      • Daly City Yard
    • South San Francisco
    • San Bruno
      • San Bruno Sidings
    • San Francisco Intl’ Airport
    • Millbrae
      • Millbrae Sidings

:train: Trains

  • Fleet of the Future
    • Model fully revamped
    • Propulsion sounds marginally improved
    • Operator screens functional
    • Door animations/sound improved
  • Legacy Fleet
    • Propulsion sounds improved

:scroll: Content Updates

  • Tracks
    • Signaling revamped
  • Stations
    • PID boards made much more responsive
    • Predictions fixed and accuracy improved
  • Colored lines replaced lettered lines
  • Automated switches added
Version 0.2.0 -- The City Update

Released Saturday, 28 September, 10:00am PST.

:station: Stations

  • Newly Opened
    • Daly City/Rosario Street (K, S)
    • Sickles Avenue (S)
  • Refreshed
    • 16th Street Mission (S)
    • 24th Street Mission (K, S)
    • Montgomery Street (S)
    • Powell Street (K, S)

:train: Trains

  • Legacy Trains (Gamepass) added in the following consists:
    • 2-car variants: AA, AC, CC
    • 4-car variants: ABBA, ABBC, CBBC

:scroll: Content Updates

  • Tracks
    • M16 to M40 meshed
    • Signaling revamped
    • Multiple derailment hotspots fixed
  • Stations
    • Fixed PID boards resetting when a train arrives on the wrong platform
    • Added “TRAIN NOT STOPPING” and “MAKING LAST STOP” announcements + PID board views
  • Fixed ATO getting bricked with a red signal zero-speed command
  • ATO is now behind it’s paywall (you guys got way more free trial time due to me being lazy, lol)
  • Driver guide included in the main menu
  • Driver points added
  • Added clarity for ATO/Perf. Lvl. on the driver dashboard
  • New custom terminal route-programming system added
Version 0.1.98 -- The Automation Update

Released Saturday, 24 August, 9:00am PST.

What does Version 0.1.98 bring?

  1. Automatic Train Operation (for 400 R$) - It will be free for 1 week following the release btw
  2. Revamped signalling system to finally bring it back
  3. Minor UI changes/settings tab

List of things that were redone/added

  1. Speed codes will now give you degraded, severely degraded, and zero-speed command codes in yellow or red blocks. (ATO will respond to this.)
  2. The infamous Judson dip is now gone, and you can enjoy a 70 code on the express tracks
Version 0.1.2 -- The Balboa Update

Released Thursday, 1 August, 7:00am HST.

What does Version 0.1.2 bring?

  1. 4 new stations: 30th Street/College Hill, Glen Park, Judson/Paulson Street, Balboa Park
  2. Directional station announcements.
  3. Two new lines (K and S), that replaces current E-line service.
  4. Balboa Park sidings
  5. Driver keybinds and finally a working FAQ.

List of things that got fixed

  1. Embarcadero switch derailing you

List of things that were redone/added

  1. Train sounds got completely revamped!
  2. Now have switch sounds
  3. Arrows were put onto switch signals for clarity
  4. LED scrolling made faster
Version 0.1.1 -- The Mobile Update

Released Sunday, 7 July, 6:54pm PDT.

What does Version 0.1.1 bring?

  1. Alstom D/E-series trains in a 2-car, 5-car, and 6-car consist. Note that you shouldn’t use long consists if you are lagging. You will be banned from the game if you voluntarily hold up traffic. (so like, all cases of doing it, lol.)
  2. Mobile UI, which the game will automatically determine which UI to use for you.
  3. Miscellaneous Announcements that you can play on the trains
  4. Indoor LEDs now being functional

List of things that got fixed

  1. Derailing right when you spawn
  2. Faulty switches sometimes switching when you’re going on the opposite switch

List of things that were redone/added

  1. Some LED letters
  2. Driving UI aspects with signalling, ease of use
  3. LED screens centering the text now
Version 0.1 -- The Inauguration

Initial Release Version! – Released Sunday, 23 June, 3:00pm PDT.


  • Bart FOTF (Derived from the Alstom Movia)


  • Embarcadero opened
  • Montgomery Street opened
  • Powell Street opened
  • Civic Center/UN Plaza opened
  • 16th Street/Mission opened
  • 24th Street/Mission opened


  • Station/Onboard Announcements
  • Station Passenger Information Displays
  • Stopping Aide
  • Train Sounds
  • Train Suspension

Many thanks for the staff team behind the cause!

Development Team

  • @engineerjeanne – Stations, Tracks, Legacy A/B/C & Alstom D/E Rolling Stock, Sounds, Scripting, User UI
  • @Gaming_withpros – Future Rolling Stock
  • @godtrek102playz – Train Suspension, Bogie Models & Rigging, Legacy A/C Rolling Stock


  • @Lopatka – Scenery
  • @mrstampypoop - Trackway Posters + Signalling