What do you want to achieve?
Hello everyone, I have been working on making a datastore for my game which only uses :GetAsync() and :SetAsync() once to be efficient with how I am saving and retrieving data for the players. I ended up using JsonEncode and JsonDecode after getting some help in another post I made asking about how to save embedded tables for my datastore. -
What is the issue?
So, I am now using JsonEncode and JsonDecode to save and load the embedded tables holding my player data. Although my script should be setup properly for both the encode and decode, when decoding the table of player data the table is decoded as a string rather than the actual table. This is not what I want as it’s not a table, just a string for the table which I can’t use. -
What solutions have you tried so far?
I got the idea and help with using JsonEncode and JsonDecode from another helpful developer in this post: https://devforum.roblox.com/t/could-i-use-embedded-tables-to-create-a-datastore-to-save-multiple-tables-of-data-to-one-key/1181212/8
Here is my datastore script, if there is anything bad about it feel free to let me know so I can improve it:
local httpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local dataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local players = game:GetService("Players")
local dataStore = dataStoreService:GetDataStore("TestData")
local data = {
leaderstats = {
["Strength"] = 0;
["Coins"] = 0;
["Gems"] = 0;
SwordsPurchased = {
["Sword1"] = true;
["Sword2"] = false;
["Sword3"] = false;
local dataFromStore = nil
local _playerData
for tableName, embeddedTable in pairs(data) do
local folder = Instance.new("Folder")
folder.Name = tableName
folder.Parent = player
for name, value in pairs(embeddedTable) do
if tableName == "leaderstats" then
local new = Instance.new("NumberValue")
new.Name = name
new.Value = value
if folder.Name == tableName then
new.Parent = folder
elseif tableName == "SwordsPurchased" then
local new = Instance.new("BoolValue")
new.Name = name
new.Value = value
if folder.Name == tableName then
new.Parent = folder
local success, err = pcall(function()
dataFromStore = dataStore:GetAsync("uid-".. player.UserId)
_playerData = httpService:JSONDecode(dataFromStore)
if success then
print("Getting PlayerData for Player: ".. player.Name ..", ID: ".. player.UserId)
if dataFromStore then
for tableName, embeddedTable in pairs(dataFromStore) do
for name, value in pairs(embeddedTable) do
if tableName == "leaderstats" then
player.leaderstats[name].Value = value
elseif tableName == "PurchasedSwords" then
player.PurchasedSwords[name].Value = value
print("PlayerData loaded for Player: ".. player.Name ..", ID: ".. player.UserId)
print("Creating new PlayerData for Player: ".. player.Name ..", ID: ".. player.UserId)
warn("Error loading PlayerData for Player: ".. player.Name ..", ID: ".. player.UserId ..". Please contact a developer in the chance that data is permanently lost.")
local dataForStore = {
leaderstats = {
["Strength"] = 0;
["Coins"] = 0;
["Gems"] = 0;
SwordsPurchased = {
["Sword1"] = true;
["Sword2"] = false;
["Sword3"] = false;
for tableName, embeddedTable in pairs(dataForStore) do
if tableName == "leaderstats" then
for name, value in pairs(player.leaderstats:GetChildren()) do
embeddedTable[value.Name] = value.Value
elseif tableName == "PurchasedSwords" then
for name, value in pairs(player.PurchasedSwords:GetChildren()) do
embeddedTable[value.Name] = value.Value
local Jsond = httpService:JSONEncode(dataForStore)
local success, err = pcall(dataStore.SetAsync, dataStore, "uid-".. player.UserId, Jsond)
if success then
print("Successfully Saved PlayerData for Player: ".. player.Name ..", ID: ".. player.UserId)
The tables for the player data aren’t finished yet. This is all the data I have that the game needs currently.
If there is any better option for saving the table feel free to let me know. I am always open to making a better script, especially when it comes to making a better datastore.