Be as harsh as you want i wont cancel you on twitter i just need advice to improve.
This reminds me of shrek that’s how good this is
I like the shape, but the white is too blue grey, and not enough cream. The plaster should be a warm creamy white. The wood is also too grey, and not a rich brown. If you are going for monochrome, then its great, but if not, it’s really washed-out and colorless. The shape is really nice thought, but it could use some cross beams.
I think it looks great. In my opinion, you need to change a little bit your roof, I mean maybe delete a bar that is between 2 other bars (if you want to)
I tried to do the creamy white colour but it doesn’t look as good.
Still, some cross beams and making the wood a richer brown color will really help make it look a lot better. It looks pretty bleached.
This is what i’m working with so far i’m still unsure about the bottom brick colour.
Nvermind i went back to grey it suits
Not bad, but I do think that beige walls could be improved on.
Any advice on how to improve them?
Add holes or scratches to it if you’re trying to go for an old house.