Hi, scripter named @overflowed helped me create a Jump Fatigue script.
it’s a little off, and I don’t know how to fix it. In the script the “JumpFatigueTime” starts right when Jump Fatigue is applied.
I am trying to have it so the “JumpFatigueTime” starts after the player stops jumping in a 1-second time period, like this:
Here is the current script:
local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local Character = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local Humanoid: Humanoid = Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local Settings = {
JumpPower = 50; --How high the player character jumps initially.
JumpFatigueScalar = 0.5; --How much percent the jump power is reduced when the player is fatigued.
JumpFatigueTime = 1; --How long the player has to wait after a fatigued jump before their jump power returns to normal.
JumpLenience = 2; --The number of jumps a character can perform before fatigue affects them.
JumpLenienceReset = 1; -- How often the jump count resets, allowing the player to jump without fatigue.
local FatigueStart = 0
local LastNonFatigueJump = 0
local CurrentLenience = Settings.JumpLenience
local function Lerp(v0: number, v1: number, a: number): number
return (1 - a) * v0 + a * v1
local function OnNonFatigueJump()
local Now = os.clock()
if Now - LastNonFatigueJump > Settings.JumpLenienceReset then
CurrentLenience = Settings.JumpLenience
LastNonFatigueJump = Now
CurrentLenience -= 1
if CurrentLenience == 0 then
FatigueStart = Now
local function IsJumpFatigued(): (boolean, number)
local delta = os.clock() - FatigueStart
return delta < Settings.JumpFatigueTime, 1 - (delta / Settings.JumpFatigueTime)
local function StateChanged(_, New: Enum.HumanoidStateType)
if New ~= Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping then return end
local IsFatigued, Gradient = IsJumpFatigued()
if IsFatigued then
Humanoid.JumpPower = Lerp(Settings.JumpPower * Settings.JumpFatigueScalar, Settings.JumpPower, Gradient)
CurrentLenience = Settings.JumpLenience
Humanoid.JumpPower = Settings.JumpPower