Jump to your collaborator’s location in Team Create

Hi creators,

We are excited to announce you can now easily jump to a collaborator’s location inside Team Create!

Our goal is to ensure it’s effortless for you to share context and interact with your collaborators in Studio. Is your collaborator inviting you to co-edit a certain part of the map? Or is a friend trying to show you a bug that is only evident from a certain camera angle? It’s now just a single click to join them where they are in the workspace.

To navigate to where your collaborator is working in the workspace,

  1. Open the Team Create widget.

  1. Right-click on the username of the collaborator you want to navigate to and click Join.

You will then be taken to the exact camera position of your collaborator so that you can see the same view that your collaborator is seeing in the viewport.

The view is not locked when you jump to your collaborator—you can move around or change camera angles as normal.

If your collaborator is editing a script, the same file will open and you will be placed at the top line in your collaborator’s script viewport. We plan to enable you to directly jump to the exact line where your collaborator’s cursor is in the future.

One exception is if your collaborator is in a private script, such as locked scripts or scripts under a local camera. You’ll see the functionality disabled with the messaging “Editing a Private Script” and you won’t be able to navigate to the private script.

To navigate back to your previous location just right-click on your own username inside the Team Create widget and click Return to Previous. This will take you back to the location you were at before you navigated to your collaborator.

If you clicked on multiple collaborators to navigate to multiple positions, clicking on your username will navigate to the previous position you were in before the latest jump.

This is just the beginning and we have more plans in the works to make interactions with your collaborators effortless in your workspace. We want to hear your feedback! Please send us your thoughts and questions by commenting below.

Many thanks to the team who worked on this feature: @sthaker7, @brienneofthetarth, @lovedanihonjin, @Yohooyohoo, @MrMark2u & @yipiokay!


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Thank you, was dealing with the lack of this just a couple days ago!

Question though, what is a “locked script”? Is that when collaborative editing is turned off, or will we have the ability to make scripts that only certain people can edit/view?


This is a neat feature.

Will we be able to see the script editor’s script in realtime? Or would it just open the script that they’re editing and nothing more?


Love this update and I can’t wait for the full release (RDC showcased a more feature rich version of this).

I do like to keep tabs on my team members when developing or in session time to ensure productivity is peaking and this will help me drastically!


Such a helpful update, thank you so much!


Nice little feature!! Seems like something I would actually use a lot. Thank you for the good updates ROBLOX.


This, however i would like to add that i would love realtime collaboration and i think it could be very useful depending on your workflow with your team, something like glitch or repl.it would be awesome.


Is that a new feature or am I missing out on something?


@qwertyexpert @Aerodymier quick clarification - “locked scripts” here are when you are editing a script in Team Create with Collaborative Editing setting off. This “locks” the script so that only you can edit until you close the script.


Ah this clears it up a little although it would really be useful to be able to really refine granular permissions for certain scripts and in turn- “lock” them.


Will travelling to a team member’s cursor come along with full collaborative editing rather than just version control? :)

It’s always really annoying to have to manually commit everything in order to allow someone to even see what I’m doing. Especially since Roblox Studio’s docking layout uses some really weird API that causes screen capture by applications like Discord to misbehave (meaning it’s impossible to actually screen-share the script editor).


Yes that’s exactly what we’re targeting :slight_smile: we’ll enable the ability to jump to the exact cursor location in the script with Live Scripting functionality that is in the works


This is a feature I really want. It would help with teaching things much more clearly and easily, instead of screen sharing.


Hi! Will these apis stay private or are you planning to eventually allow use for plugins in the future?
Thanks :slight_smile:


This is a great quality-of-life update for Roblox development teams!

I can’t wait to jump to a developer’s addresses.


It seems unintuitive that this is locked behind right click. There’s no way I would ever discover this naturally.


There’s a lot of space in the player row in the widget that’s begging for a little options menu button or something, putting it behind right click is a bit obscure. It helps that the row highlights on hover though.


kinda pointless but still cool


Nice feature, not too much to say.