Jumping is not a valid member of HumanoidRootPart

I’m making an options GUI for a game me and a team of people are working on. The GUI should be able to disable certain character sounds such as Jumping, which works until you reset. I’m trying to make the options stay on or off when you reset.

When disabling any of the character sounds (Jumping, death noise, walking, etc) and resetting the script suddenly doesn’t work anymore. It prints an error saying “Jumping is not a valid member of Part AutumnsBlanket.HumanoidRootPart”

I’ve already tried turning off ResetOnSpawn on the GUI. I’ve also implented a script that handles deaths which works for options that don’t involve the character, but doesn’t work for ones that do involve the character


Have you tried to update the character when the character dies?

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Try HumanoidRootPart:WaitForChild("Jumping"). it’s erroring because client sometimes delays to load stuff into the datamodel. So WaitForChild() should compensate for that.

That seemed to stop the error, but now prevents the jumping sound from moving back into the HumanoidRootPart

Yeah, still doesn’t seem to work

When you update the character you need to also update the died connection by creating a new one.

Creating a new one as in creating a whole new script for it? Or just adding another Died function

How about you try this

PlayerStorage:WaitForChild('Jumping'):Clone().Parent = Character:WaitForChild('HumanoidRootPart')

When an object is destroyed the connections get :Disconnect() so you will need to :Connect() again to ensure it keeps working.

Wouldnt it be easier to use the humanoid to detect if the player is jumping?


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Will do, I haven’t tried cloning yet.

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That makes sense, I’ll try going about reconnecting it

This might have something to do with it

Yeah I realized that and fixed it

try this script instead

local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local Character = player.Character

local Parent = script.Parent
local ON = true

local Volume = 1

	if ON == true then
		ON = false
		Volume = 0
		script.Parent.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB (255, 0, 0)
		script.Parent.Text = "OFF"
		Character.HumanoidRootPart:WaitForChild("Jumping").Volume = Volume
		ON = true
		Volume = 1
		script.Parent.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(38, 255, 0)
		script.Parent.Text = "ON"
		Character.HumanoidRootPart:WaitForChild("Jumping").Volume = Volume

	Character = char
	Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart"):WaitForChild("Jumping").Volume = Volume
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This worked perfectly! Thank you

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