Jumping Skill Script CFrame Problem?. The character is falling, as it hits the ground some parts should spawn, but they spawn way above

Jumping Skill Problem

Hello, I’m new in scripting, and I wanted to make a Tool Skill where when you activate it, it makes you ascend like if you were jumping and when you touch the ground it makes VFX show up.

The idea is, when the hitbox touch something it triggers and calls the function that makes the Rocks spawn around the player, and the Rocks should be at my player feet height but for some reason it spawns above its head.

I already have tried by changing the HumanoRP Cframe for the HitBox CFrame and by using another script for making the spawning around the player thing, but it’s the same result.


I recommend you to run the code on local script ( client side effect ). You do not need to create a hitbox, simply check player state , if the HumanoidState is landing (Enum.HumanoidStateType.Landed) then clone your vfx and set its position to the bottom of the character ( vfx.Position = Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - Vector3.new(0,around 2 to 4,0) )