Jumping when playing an animation with a tool causes flickering with shiftlock enabled

Right now, I have an animation that plays when the player uses their tool.
The video - https://gyazo.com/5549057bb9fbe2bfef9607834f1566ea

As you can see, when the player has their shiftlock enabled and jumps backward when the animation is playing, the character flicks around.

I’ve tried enabling the tool property Massless but that doesn’t work. I also thought of using AlignOrientation or some sorts to forcefully fix the character’s direction, but I want a solution that solves the root problem.

In case anyone is wondering what the solution is:

You need to set Massless to False on all the parts parented to the player character model

Additionally, you need to adjust all the parts’ CustomPhysicalProperties for customizable dash physics

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